Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pix 83 - Baby's First Flight

My son took his first ever flight today. It was pretty cool. He had his own boarding pass and everything. We started him out right with the most important rule in traveling: Check in early to make sure you are in group A!

The excitement of his first flight proved to be too much. He fell asleep before takeoff. He was well behaved on the flight.
We're looking forward to our vacation. Do you know where we went? Here's a hint: Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There's nothing you can't do. The streets will make you feel brand new. Big lights will inspire you.

For the older crowd, if you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere.


  1. So jealous! Have a blast in New York. Also, your tag gave away the answer haha :)

  2. So sweet! Glad your little peanut took his first flight on Southwest to LGA (Alicia Keys/Jay-Z mention?)

    We luv the photos!


  3. @Christi - We flew into Islip (Long Island) but you are in the right state. Having a great time.
