Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pix 10 - That's not good

I had absolutely nothing planned to do today. I was nervous that I wouldn't have a picture for today. So I put a plastic cup of water on the patio so I could take a picture of it when it froze. Apparently I pissed off the photoblog Gods.

We woke up and we had no water. Our pipes outside that feed the house were frozen. Most of the houses around us had the same issue. No Water. Then pop, pop, pop. One at a time, the irrigation backflows exploded. Water shot up 7-10 feet in the air. I turned off 2 of them. Got soaked and had to change. Eventually mine bust and I switched that off too.

I thought I was done. The water came on, but it was just a trickle. They it was pulsating. Something's wrong I thought. I looked outside and water was shooting from the pipe. It cracked. Three trips to Lowes later and help from my neighbors Chris and Lonnie and we're back in business. Hopefully tomorrow is not as eventful as today, but come back for another pix.


  1. Very sorry to hear about that. Our water heater slowly lost its mind this week with the cold, so we were at Lowes twice yesterday trying to get it fixed.

  2. I saw your post that said your hot water heater was held together by rust. I thought "that can't be good"

    How did you make out?

  3. Oops, only just now seeing this... We have to replace our hot water heater. Turns out there's several inches of sediment in the bottom, which is why weren't able to get the bottom element out earlier last month. It took us until yesterday to get the right kind of socket to force it open, hence the sediment discovery. I just hope it hasn't wrecked our dishwasher too much.
