Second day and so far so good. I'm not having any trouble deciding what picture to use. Today I had to decide between my lunch and my sneaker buying trip. My lunch was an all you can eat salad bar at Winter Garden Pizza. There was nothing special about the salad. The shocking part was that I went to a pizzeria and didn't order pizza. The sneakers won out easily.
Anyway, I've been running in my
JC Penny's specials. A pair of
Asics that are running shoes, but not really
running shoes. I needed new ones. So I went to
Tri&Run and picked out a pair of Pearl
Izumi Cruise sneakers. I had never heard of them either, but they are comfortable shoes and the helpers at the store said they were a good fit for my running
style and the arch of my foot. Check them out. Top row, second from the right. Come back tomorrow for another picture.